суббота, 9 января 2016 г.

Why should I go to Kiev in the winter?

If you think, that Kiev it is only Independence Square and Kievo- Pecherska Lavra- then you are deeply mistaken. Kiev is not only beautiful in the spring when the chestnut trees are blooming or in the summer when you can buy a kvass on every corner and swim in the Dniper river.

You might be surprised, but Kiev also is the city for fans of fast driving on a snowboard or skis. You probably are sitting now with a surprised face and say to yourself "Whaaaaaat?". This is true. Fans of extreme relaxation please quickly collect your suitcases, book accommodation in the city center in the ZigZag Hostel and come to us because there is a big hill not far from our hostel. It is located in Protasov Yar. From the windows of ZigZag hostel you can see how people are going skiing and brave ones perform tricks on snowboards down the Antonovycha street.

Even if you do not have special equipment, you can rent it less than 5 or 4 euros for 3 hours. If you want to use lift the price is 40 cents and the entrance to the hill costs 70 cents. You can keep warm drinking delicious mulled wine for 50 cents or have lunch for 2 euros.

Do you still prefer Austria? Switzerland? Forget! Come to Kiev and take your family with you. For them we will find also a lot of interesting. For example for children, not far from the hostel, there is a skating rink where every morning instructor teaches the skating on the ice for free. Well, for your ladies there will be always a place for recreation not far from the center city.

Anyway, if you want to spend your time interesting and with benefits – come to Kiev in the winter, stay in ZigZag hostel and you would not regret itJ

1 комментарий:

  1. Я ніколи не думав, що буду мати право на отримання позики, яку мені надали співробітник Педро та його кредитна компанія, яка була дуже гладкою та прозорою в кожній розмові, яку ми проводимо під час процесу позики, я ще раз подякую йому та його кредитній організації за роботу молодець, запропонувавши мені позику в розмірі 22 мільйони євро з низькою ставкою 2 річних доходів, вони є справжньою компанією з реєстром позик на простих умовах. зв’яжіться з кредитною компанією через pedroloanss@gmail.com WhatsApp: + 1-8632310632.
